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Workflow Based Resource Allocation and Monitoring Using Mobile Agents

L. Venkatakrishnan, T.V.U. Kiran Kumar, M.A. Dorairengaswamy


Grid computing is becoming a mainstream technology for large-scale distributed resource sharing and system integration. The major issue in grid computing is resource sharing. Resources should be shared efficiently to increase the overall performance of grid services and to reduce the traffic among resources. Workflow management is emerging as one of the most important grid services. Workflow management refers to automatic workflow creation and coordinated workflow execution. The composition of jobs is represented as DAG type of workflow. The job requirements are included while designing the workflow. The information about the resources of a cluster are collected and stored in a database using mobile agents and matchmaking algorithm is used to match those requirements. The matched resources are allocated for jobs and the job executions are monitored.


Grid Computing, Workflow Management, Resources And Jobs Monitoring, Matchmaking Algorithm.

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