Focus and Scope
The Aim of Journal Networking and Communication engineering is to provide a high sketch, leading edge international forum for the practicing engineers and academic researchers working in the field to contribute, to disseminate innovative and important new work on Networking and Communication engineering technologies.
The scope of the journal includes developing technologies in Ad-hoc Networks, Mesh Networks, Network Performance, Reliability, and Quality of Service, Modulation Techniques (CDMA, OFDM, Multicarrier, Spread-spectrum, etc.),End-to-end Design Techniques, Software and Cognitive Radio Networks, Channel Modeling and Propagation, Coding for Wireless Systems, Detection, Estimation, and Synchronization, Diversity and Space-time Techniques, Detection, Estimation, and Synchronization, Channel modeling and propagation, Coding for wireless systems, Multiuser and multiple access schemes, Resource allocation over wireless networks, Security, authentication, and cryptography for wireless networks, Wireless traffic and routing, Ultra wide-band systems, Wireless multimedia communication, Wireless sensor networks, Wireless system architectures and applications.
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Publication Frequency
12 Issues/Year
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ISSN: 0974 – 9616