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Privacy Maintaining Location Supervising System for 3D Space in WSN

B.N. Jagdale, Dr.J.W. Bakal


Location supervising Systems when send a personal location data to untrusted server, it may pose a privacy threat to the monitored objects. The current privacy preserving location supervising systems for wireless sensor networks are used to preserve the privacy of monitored objects in a environment that considers only X and Y co-ordinates to show the cloaking area. Also these systems can provide the supervising services to the system users. Here unlike previously proposed systems, we propose a system that will consider Z co-ordinate also for preserving privacy of monitored objects and can also be used for spatial systems. Use of Z co-ordinate will results in a high privacy as compare to the privacy provided by the systems that uses only X and Y coordinates to show the cloaking area for privacy preservation.


3D Space, Location Privacy, Wireless Sensor Networks, Location Supervising System.

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