An Approach to Node Elevated Repositioning Technique for Geocast Routing Protocol in MANETs
Geocasting is done for the packet transmission within
a particular region called geocast region. Geoaddressing and
retransmissions are based on some local decision rules especially in Manets. In this paper, along with central distance calculation and priority queuing, the region based location routing method is introduced for scalability and drop rate reduction purposes. Here the automatic updating of location is done by individual nodes when it has a change in its location. The GPSN technology with node elevated repositioning is utilised here to improve the network scalability and deals with the node mobility problems and irregular topology. In previous works, the central region alone is considered
for transmitting packets and the nodes are not much aware of all mobile neighbouring nodes location since each node follows the greedy transmission method leads to complexity in large networks. This method overcomes, when a node need not flows through central region and if every node knows well about their neighbour’s location.
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