An Empirical Literature Study of Various Test Case Prioritization Techniques
Software Testing is the process of exercising the software product in predefined ways to check if the behavior is the same as expected behavior. Regression testing is the process of validating any changes that may have been induced in a software system during software maintenance. Test Suite Prioritization in Regression testing basically aims to re-schedule those test cases which should be re-executed during regression testing based on some criteria. The main objective of test case prioritization is to maximize early fault detection. Regression Testing is an expensive, but still an important process. Because the size of a test suite is extremely large, therefore exhaustive re-testing of the system is impossible. Unfortunately, system may have shortage of resources to re–execute entire set of test cases during regression testing.So, selective re-testing of the system based on some criteria is the cost-benefical solution. This paper describes various test case prioritization techniques developed so far systematically.
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