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An Investigation into the Relationship between Intel-ligence Quotient (IQ) and Debugging Ability of Component Based Systems (CBS)

Dr.L. Arockiam, A. Aloysius, A. Revathi


In recent years there has been a great upsurge in the field of cognitive science too. Also the traditional software complexi-ty measures focuses only on addressing the complexity of the proce-dural oriented and object oriented software development. Thus envi-sioning new areas like Component Based System would lead to better utilization of resources and make the end user‟s task. An experiment has been conducted to study the relation between Intelligent Quotient (IQ) and program debugging in Component Based systems on the assumption that programmers are not consistent in their debugging capabilities. In our experimental setting, the debugging test in Com-ponent based programming language features and the IQ test based on Binet-Simon scale were conducted and the results were correlated. From the results, we observe that there is a positive correlation be-tween the IQ value and debugging ability of the students. Thus there is evidence that similar cognitive skills are used for debugging and IQ Test.


Cognitive Science, IQ, Debugging, Statistical Test, Component Based Programming.

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