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Production of Ecofriendly Energy from Highly Used Vehicle

D. Jerin Joshy, M. Sivaprabhu, T.K. Saravanan, K. Yoganandhababu


This paper attempts to explain an creative method of generating clean energy in a fast moving vehicle (train) by various courses.  The energy generated from this method is produced as the consequences of human activity. Wind, solar and bio-degradable energy are the four forms of energy we get from a moving train.

One of the biggest obstacles to the widespread use of wind power generation is that many areas just aren’t that windy. The alternative form of wind energy produced by trains is very unique, as it does not depend on any natural energy resource. A moving train compresses the air in the front of it and pushes the air to its sides thereby creating a vacuum at its rear and its sides as it moves forward. To fill up this vacuum a mass of airflow rushes into the sides and the rear. The kinetic energy of the wind movement thus created is used to generate electricity.

Second method is to integrate solar cell modules into traditional roof materials of train in order to generate clean energy.

This system will promote the effective use of roof space.

The third method is to utilize a vast quantity of human waste to produce energy instead of disposing it along the tracks. Instead of sterilizing excreta in the searing tropical sun these bio-degradable wastes shall be used to produce clean energy and stabilization of wastes. Bio-degradable waste undergoes a process of anaerobic digestion after which they are subjected to Induction Heating. Methane gas is produced, which then powers the methanol fuel cells.

The fourth method is the production of electricity by piezo-electric effect principle due to vibration caused by train on the track.

All the methods demonstrated here do not interfere in the normal operation of train. This generated electricity can be further used for various applications.


Renewable Energy, Waste to Energy, Clean Energy, Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, Bio-Degradable Waste, Piezo-Electric Effect, Etc.

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