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A Study on the User Interface Design for a Multimedia Learning System with Emphasis on 3D Animation

B. Senthil Kumar, L. Jayasimman


This paper presents the experiments and makes a research on Effective User interface design of a Multimedia learning system. An experiment has been conducted to study the use of 3D Animation in the effective user interface design. The purpose of the research reported in this paper was to find out the use of 3D animation for developing an effective user interface design. It has been realized that there is a strong need for voice support, text and 3d animation for the effective user interface design to put the system highly utilizable and practicable. We have used Autodesk MAYA software learning edition to develop the multimedia learning system. This research examines the usability of multimedia learning system improvement with the help of usability analysis checklists. The ultimate objective of this study is to bring out the users understanding level and comforting level as well as satisfaction level due to the presence of 3d animation and attractive graphics for a multimedia learning system.


Multimedia Learning System, User Interfaces Design, 3D Animation, Usability Analysis, Autodesk MAYA Software.

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