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Efficient and Robust Patchwork Method of Digital Audio Watermarking for Vulnerable Attack

Yugendra D. Chincholkar, Sanjay R. Ganorkar


This paper presents an efficient patchwork based digital audio watermarking technique. The excellent growth in the transmission of digital data has resulted in a corresponding advancement is need for copyright protection audio signal. Cryptography and steganography are used for the content protection but do not entirely solve the copyright issue. Watermarking is a method to identify and protect the digital data while maintaining the quality of the host media; it permits different types of watermarks to conceal in digital data, e.g. Image, audio and video. A (segments) patchwork-based audio watermarking method used for insertion of watermark bits. The coefficient of all segments of the audio signal is calculated by using Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT), and an average of all estimated coefficients of segments is used for embedding watermark into a audio signal. The execution results confirm that the suggested method achieves good imperceptibility for the watermarked audio signal and showing the robustness against different signal processing attacks with higher PSNR. The resulting audio is vigorous to signal processing attacks and exhibits better quality in term of peak signal to interference ratio. The suggested method does not touch on the calibre of the audio file because of no change in the information present in the original sound. The simulation results prove the strength of the suggested algorithm.


Audio Watermarking, Stationary Wavelet Transform, Patchwork, Embedding.

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