Pitch Period and Pitch Frequency Estimation Environment in Scilab
Speech is one of the natural forms of communication. Speech processing is emerged as one of the important application area of digital signal processing. Various fields for research in speech processing are speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech synthesis, speech coding etc. The objective of speech recognition is to extract, characterize and recognize the information about speaker identity. Pitch estimation is the first step for speech recognition. Many algorithms are suggested/developed by the researchers for pitch estimation. In this work, pitch frequency and pitch period estimation algorithm has been used for determining pitch frequency and pitch period of different person. In Speech recognition certain words of a particular speaker will automatically recognize. In this paper we presented the result an experiment which is perform on 5 different persons to recognize the individual one. Recognition platform is implemented on scilab 5.3.3 for recognition purpose pitch period or individual person is calculated. This technique is one of the most useful and popular biometric recognition techniques in the world especially related to areas in which security is a major concern. It can be used for authentication, surveillance, speaker recognition and a number of related activities.
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