Power Line Compensation Study of a FACTS Devices using PSAT
This paper presents real and reactive power flow
control and performance of FACTS devices intended for installation on the transmission line. Normally before compensation real and reactive power through the transmission line cannot be controlled.
This paper presents the installation of FACTS devices on
transmission line and this work has been done with a help of Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) via the link with MATLAB. PSAT is also provided with a complete set of user-friendly graphical interfaces and a Simulink-based editor of one-line network diagrams. This works describes the techniques of correcting the reference value
of AC voltage, phase angle, real and reactive power of the
transmission line. Simulation models are developed for IEEE 6 bus system with and without FACTS devices. The FACTS devices are the most versatile and complex power electronic equipment that has emerged for the control and optimization of power flow in electrical power system transmission system. The device controls the various
important electrical parameters of power system such as reference value of AC voltage, phase angle, real and reactive power of the transmission line.
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