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Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling with End-to-End Compensation through Rate Adaptation in Multihop Ad Hoc Networks

S. Vijayalakshmi, C. Padmavathy


In wireless ad hoc networks a node having many packets waiting in its queue for delivery to different neighbours, may choose a candidate receiver with good channel condition through scheduling. In the existing distributed opportunistic scheduling, transmission of packets is allowed when the channel quality is good, whereas methods for packet transmission during bad channel quality is not considered. In the proposed work an improved method which includes a link state estimation mechanism to estimate the quality of the link and a method for adjusting the service rate, when the channel quality is poor is considered through which end-to-end compensation is achieved , ultimately improving throughput.


Head-of-Line Blocking (HoL), Medium Access Control, Link State Estimation (LSE), Rate Adaptation

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