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Encryption of Biometric Templates using One Time Biometric Transform

Dr. Aditya, Amit Vijayat, Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. Stephanie Schuckers


Securing biometric information has become essential with growing biometric applications in different sectors of society. Vulnerability assessment plays a key role in improving the security of any security system by identifying the potential vulnerabilities and proposing countermeasures to mitigate the threats posed by them. In this work self-generated and dynamic helper data based system is proposed to encrypt the biometric templates. Biometric information is statistically learned and probabilistic matching is performed to discriminate genuine from imposters. We call this system as One Time Biometric Transformation (OTBT) system. The system was tested using CASIA iris database and by probabilistic matching an EER of 1.96% is achieved. Strength analysis of the system for three different challenging databases is also presented.


technology and services,Securing biometric information

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