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Nutritional and Antinutritional Properties of a little known Pulse, Sesbaniabispinosa

M. Pugalenthi, G. Priya, C. Ranjani, K. Janardhanan


The proximate composition of Sesbaniabispinosareveals that it contains 31.08% crude protein, 6.23% crude lipid,6.81% total dietary fibre, 3.27% ash, 52.61% NFE (Nitrogen FreeExtractives) and 1632Kj 100g-1 DM of calorific value. The mineralcomposition reveals that it is a rich source of potassium, iron, andzinc. The amino acid profiles of the seed protein show that theessential amino acids, sulphur containing amino acids, threonine andisoleucine alone are deficient when compared to FAO/WHO (1991)reference pattern. Fatty acid composition of seed lipids indicate thatlinoleic acid is the most predominant fatty acid. In general theunsaturated fatty acids occur more in level when compared tosaturated fatty acids. The antinutritient profile reveals the occurrenceof low levels of free phenolics and tannins. Though haemmaglutanins(lectins) are detected they can easily be eliminated by cookingprocess.


Underutilized Legume, Nutrient And Antinutrient Composition, In Vitro Protein Digestability, Proximate And Mineral Composition, Calorific Value, Essential Amino Acids

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