An Approach for Improving Security in Distance Education through Iris Recognition
In Distance Education the teacher and students are separated by time and distance; students can access their online courses by proper authentication methods. Student authentication in distance education has been a primary issue of federal policy makers. This paper describes the approach to strengthen student’s user IDs and passwords, by adding new Biometric technology to increase academic integrity and ensure proper use of federal student aid. This paper proposes a method combining traditional authentication (password and username) with biometric technology. To access the registration, participation, assessment, academic credit of distance education courses, Iris recognition used for authentication. Iris Recognition is a high-confidence biometric identification system with promising future in the security systems area. In this paper the features of a query images are compared with those of a database image to obtain matching scores. The features are extracted from the pre-processed images of iris. Iris Recognition uses Hamming Bit Distance (HBD) and Fragile Bit Distance (FBD) for matching process.
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