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Intelligent Transport System Using Blue Tooth Technology

V. Mounica, P.J. Sharanya, S. R. Srilakshmi, P. Sandhya


In the current scenario the world is plagued by accidents which are primarily due to human errors in judgment and hence thousands of lives are lost. These accidents can be avoided if only there was a mechanism to alert the driver of approaching danger. This can be done by monitoring the distance between nearby cars and alerting the driver whenever the distance becomes too short. This is precisely the aim of this paper. In this paper we propose the use of Bluetooth Technology by which we can check the speed of the car whenever it comes dangerously close to any other vehicle up front, thereby saving many lives


LED,Bluetooth,Auxillary Seat Belt Controller,Automatic breaking System (ABS)

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Bluetooth operation and use, Robert Morrow.

Automobile electrical and electronic system, Tom Denton.

Automotive computer controlled systems, Alan W.M.Bonnick.

Bluetooth security, Ben Smeets.

Automotive technology, Jack Erjavec


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