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Road Traffic Noise Annoyance in Hospitals, Nursing Homes in Agartala City - A Case Study

Debasish Pal, Debasish Bhattacharya


In this paper an effort has been made to develop a fuzzy based model to examine the annoyance of admitted patients, doctors, nurses and other staffs in road side Hospitals, Nursing homes because of road traffic noise pollution in urban areas like Agartala city. This paper deals with monitoring and modelling of noise disturbances caused due to rapidly growing vehicular road traffic at interrupted traffic flow conditions. A total of two hundred fifty individual including patients, doctors, nurses, and other staffs were interviewed to gather primary/secondary information about their sufferings caused by noise related disturbances. Traffic volume count and noise indices data were collected simultaneously at seven selected sites of the city. A relationship was developed between different traffic noise parameters and its harmful impact on work competency of individuals, using linear and multiple regression analysis. In addition, statistical analysis was also carried out between measured and predictive values and a good agreement was obtained.


Road Traffic Noise, Noise Annoyance, Fuzzy Modeling, Multiple Regressions Analysis.

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