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A Protective Robot for Security by Video Surveillance using Zigbee Protocol

M. Md Athiq ur raza ahamed


A Protective robot is an new era in the security system, in this implementation a robot is in continuous motion in the desired area where the security is required, there is no worry about the charging system since this robot has a docking unit, this docking unit is responsible for the automatic recharge of the robot in a wireless fashion. Hence there is no worry of power failure; the protective robot consists as of the required sensors for the security system, like the pir sensor, ultrasonic sensor and the ldr sensor. The protocol involved here is the Zigbee since an advanced version of the wireless transmission with high security is required hence this protocol is used moreover when a stranger enters the protected area, the Zigbee is programmed in such a way that it would transfer a single bit to the remote section were a force would monitor only when the bit is transferred which results in the buzzing of alarm thus the work load of the human is reduced to a very high level. These ldr sensors are very effective and sensitive they are programmed in such a way that the can sense only the combination of yellow and blue light combination in order to avoid the sunlight and other colors. The protective robot uses the rotating camera which is mounted in the bot so that it can move along with the bot in a wireless fashion which doesn’t require current only a battery is required.


Docking Unit, Security-Pit Ultrasonic and LDR Sensor, Zigbee Protocol and Buzzer with Rotating Camera.

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