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An Instinctive Special Approach for Web Accessible Applications

N. Rajkumar, Dr. Viji Vinod


Semantics web approaches attempt to get the interoperability and communication among technologies and organizations. Even so, typically it‟s forgotten that the web should be helpful for each user, so it's necessary to integrate tools and techniques doing semantic web accessible. Accessibility and usefulness are two; joined ideas wide employed in web application development, but then they are totally different. Usability means the way the ease of use web site but accessibility is sensible to use the opportunity. For the first one, there are several well-tried approaches in real cases. However, accessibility field needs a deeper analysis that may create possible accessible to disabled people and conjointly the access to novel non-disable people because of the price to alter and keep up accessible applications. In this paper, we tend to propose a design to realize the accessibility in web-environments handling the WAI accessibility customary and the Universal style method. This design tries to manage the accessibility in web application development life-cycle following a technique ranging from a semantics abstract model and leans on description languages and controlled vocabularies.


Semantic Web, Usability, Accessibility, WAI, Universal Style Method, Semantics Abstract Model

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