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Synthesis of Fractal Antenna Arrays

Meena Sivakumar Muvvala, V. Santosh Kumar


This work involves the overlaps of antenna theory,
fractal geometry, and numerical calculations. Its goal is to investigate
how random or periodic antenna array geometry can be improved
through the use of fractals. Using Mat lab software we are going to
develop the programs, we will plot the radiation of linear/planar
antenna arrays. We were able to correctly analyse radiation of three
two-dimensional arrays. Here we are going to develop another
program whose purpose was to generate fractals was used to allow us
to characterize the radiation properties of periodic and random arrays.
A fractal is a recursively generated object having a fractional
dimension. Many objects, including antennas, can be designed using
the recursive nature of a fractal. Iterated Function System (IFS) is
used to generate the fractal array (Sierpinski gasket). Once these
antenna arrays are generated, the resulting radiated field is calculated
using scripts which are going to write in MATLAB. Fractal antenna
theory uses a modern (fractal) geometry that is a natural extension of
Euclidian geometry. In this report, attention is called to this
developing, but already quite large, field of study. After that we are
further going to extend it for Sierpinski gasket using fractal array.


Fractal Array Antenna, Sierpinski Gasket, Random Arrays, Planar Arrays.

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