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New Reminder Scheme for Congestion Control in Mobile Networks

J. Usha, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. A. D. Shaligram


During peak traffic hours, mobile subscriber’s calls are getting blocked due to lack of free channels. Mobile subscribers who are desperately trying for successful connection go in for a number of retries. This leads to additional burden on the congested network. There is a need to reduce the number of retries, load and congestion on the mobile network. In this paper, a new Reminder service scheme is proposed. This scheme reminds the registered subscriber to call whenever channels become free. This service helps in preventing congestion from reaching a threshold which in turn may destabilize the network. We can streamline the traffic by reducing the number of retries and improve the efficiency. This scheme helps in ensuring a reliable and stable cellular mobile network. Simulation results also confirm this 


Congestion, New call, Handoff Call, Retries call, Call holding time, Probability of blocking.

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