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Stimulate and Investigate the Performance of IPTV (VoD) over WiMax Using Opnet

Gurmeet Singh, Amit Grover


In this paper the effect of Mobility of Mobile Wimax Subscriber on VoD over Wimax is analyzed. Now Days the implementation of Video on Demand (VoD) over the WiMAX has become one of the intense and interesting subject and is expected to grow big and bigger in near future revenue and how efficient it may be enabled depends upon the efficiency of video streaming over next generation 4G. We are considering SVC codes for video streaming. IP-Unicast is used for delivering streaming video over WiMax. We analysis the performance of the WiMax considering the effect of mobility on IPTV(VOD). This experiment is carried out by using OPNET Modeler 14.5. To compare the performance of IPTV over Wimax Traffic Received, Throughput and Traffic Send are used. Results indicate that as increase in speed Traffic Received, Throughput is increasing and Traffic send remain constant.


IEEE 802.16, IPTV, OPNET, SVC, WiMax, Wireless Network.

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