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An Energy Efficient Clustered Cooperative Caching Dynamic Source Routing Protocol

K. Geetha, Dr.D.Shanti Saravanan


Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) provide an attractive solution for networking in the situations where network infrastructure or service subscription is not available. Its usage can further be extended by enabling communications with external networks such as Internet or cellular networks through gateways. However, data access applications in MANETs suffer from dynamic network connections and restricted energy supplies. Since Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) is large with sparse nodes, the routing information becomes more complex and it consumes more power, cluster-based routing techniques are used to tackle such situations. The data access efficiency can be improved using cooperative caching technique, which allows the sharing and coordination of cached data among multiple nodes inside the clusters. . In this paper, it is decided to propose modified Energy Efficient Clustered Cooperative Caching DSR protocol (EECCCDSR) to achieve the performance parameter like packet delivery ratio, routing overhead, energy consumption and delay. Though CCCDSR protocol has achieved performance parameters like packet delivery ratio, delay and bandwidth delay product, energy consumption is more. So efficient clustering has been done to reduce the power consumption.


Adhoc Networks, DSR Protocol, Clustering, Cooperative Caching, Energy Consumption.

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