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Data Security in a Distributed Wireless Network System

S. Beski Prabaharan, S. Senthil Murugan, K. Vivek, M. Velmurugan


In wireless network data transfer is a secure one, because the intruders may use duplicate IP addresses to hack the confidential data. Hop-by-hop authentication is necessary for secured communication. Hop-by-hop authentication is obtained by MAC address lookup table. The main goal of this work to protect contents of sensor data from attackers, including external intruders and unauthorized network users. For this purpose, we need to define and enforce a flexible access policy for each individual user based on the user’s role in the system. In particular, the access policy should be able to define a unique set of data that the user is authorized to access, and must be enforced via a cryptographic method since sensor nodes are vulnerable to strong attacks.


IP Address, Lookup Table, Authentication, Cryptographic Method

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