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An Agent Based Congestion and Power Control Technique in MANET

Vishnu Kumar Sharma, Dr. Sarita Singh Bhadauria


The main aim of power control in mobile adhoc network (MANET) is to maintain network connectivity and avoid network partioning and also to provide power efficient operation. In this paper we propose an agent based power control technique in MANET. The mobile agent from source starts forwarding the data packets through the path which has minimum cost and congestion. The status of every node is collected and finally it is delivered to destination node. In power control technique, the nodes are chosen based on the power level. The nodes with maximum power level are selected as listening nodes (LN) which will always be in active mode and remaining nodes are selected as non-listening nodes (NLN) which will awake in periodic manner. If the node receiving the data packet is not awake, the packet is transmitted through LN towards the destination. By simulation results, we show that the proposed technique provides most efficient congestion and power controls.


Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), Mobile Agents (MA), Total Congestion Metric (TCM), Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA), Transmission Opportunity Limit (TXOP).

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