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Smart IoT based Field Monitoring System in Modern Agriculture

Guang-Dong Zhou, R. Lee


In the present era, food and water are scarce due to population growth. So, to avoid these problems, we need to revitalize the agricultural sector. However, in this sector, water is wasted more in the form of waste, and irrigation is irrigation of farmland. Therefore, automatic plant irrigation systems must be designed to achieve adequate water supply in the field. This article introduces an automatic plant irrigation system that can automatically detect the moisture content of the soil and determine whether it needs irrigation and how much water the soil needs. This system uses an AtMega328 microcontroller. It is programmed to detect the moisture content of the soil over a period of time. If the moisture content is less than the predefined limit, it will start supplying the required amount of water until the limit is reached. So, when the soil is dry, the pump automatically waters the field, and when the soil is wet, the pump automatically shuts off, so no manpower is required and saves time.


AtMega328, Agriculture.

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