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A Secure Distributed Nymble for Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks

N. Theja, T. Jayakumari


Nymble is a system which provides a blocking mechanism to a server to protect it from misbehaving users without deanonymization while allowing anonymous access to behaving users. But, the earlier design for Nymble had a problem. The original design was based on an unrealistic assumption that the trusted third parties, Pseudonym Manager and Nymble Manage are not going to collude to identify the user. To eliminate this problem, Trusted Third Party(TTP) free anonymous blacklisting system was introduced. But, it degraded the performance of the system due to extensive amount of computation. Here, we are going to propose a distributed blacklisting anonymous system using a ring signature. We can easily prove that it is more efficient than TTP free anonymous system, collision resistant, scalable and robust. High performance is provided as a result of distributed architecture.


Anonymity, Privacy, Anonymous Blacklisting System, Revocation, Authentication.

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