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Soldier Positioning and Health Monitoring Using WSN

A. Kaviya, K. Catharine, P. Kaviya


This paper involves transmission of health parameters and location of a soldier using wireless sensor network. The goal of this project is to save soldiers life by continuously monitoring the location, heart beat rate and temperature of the soldier. So, that necessary aid can be sent to the soldier in case of critical health conditions. The System comprises of a Biosensor signal conditioning module, a GPS module, a Keypad and a LCD. These are interfaced with ARM CORTEX TM4C123GH6PM which in turn broadcasts messages wirelessly via the GPRS modem. In the base station, a LabVIEW program is used as GUI to display the health parameters and it will also process the received data and alert in case of emergency. This will help to send proper medicinal aids to the suffering soldiers.


ARM CORTEX, Wireless Sensors, RS232, GPRS ,LabVIEW, Monitoring, Health Parameters.

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