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Clustered Mining and Controlling to Arial Surveillance over Federated Database Samples

P.L. Kishan Kumar Reddy, T.V. Rao, A. Ananda Rao


This paper presents a hierarchical approach for recognition of urban arial images in federated database systems [13]. The paper focus on the separation of urban and natural images from the arial images based on color localization by segmenting the arial images with its region of boundaries. The regions which are extracted have been classified using co-occurrence features for the recognition of segmented regions. Generally there are nine distinct features to be calculated for the recognition of Arial image. The approach which is developed predominantly uses two local features like pattern and texture of the image. The proposed approach will increase the performance of the system under distributed environment. During evaluation of the system different variant traffic conditions are considered.


Distributed Mining, Federated Database, Local Features, Spatial Arial Images.

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