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Protection of Database Security VIA Collaborative Inference Detection

P. Kamakshi, J. Ramadevi, S. Gopala Krishna Murthy


Malicious users can exploit the correlation among data to infer sensitive information from a series of seemingly innocuous data accesses. Thus, we develop an inference violation detection system to protect sensitive data content. Based on data dependency, database schema and semantic knowledge. We constructed a semantic inference model (SIM) that represents the possible inference channels from any attribute to the pre-assigned sensitive attributes. The SIM is then instantiated to a semantic inference graph (SIG) for query-time inference violation detection. For a single user case, when a user poses a query, the detection system will examine his/her past query log and calculate the probability of inferring sensitive information. The query request will be denied if the inference probability exceeds the pre specified threshold.  For multi-user cases, the users may share their query answers to increase the inference probability. Therefore, we develop a model to evaluate collaborative inference based on the query sequences of collaborators and their task-sensitive collaboration levels. Experimental studies reveal that information authoritativeness, communication fidelity and honesty in collaboration are three key factors that affect the level of achievable collaboration. An example is given to illustrate the use of the proposed technique to prevent multiple collaborative users from deriving sensitive information via inference.


Knowledge Processing, Privacy Detection Semantic Inference Model, Security,

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