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A Comprehensive Study and Performance Evaluation of Opinion Mining Algorithms

U. Prabu, P. Balasubramanian, M. Sithanandam, A. Anidha


The usage of the internet has improved rapidly in the recent years. Opinion mining intends to examine opinion of a product, services and its attributes. The opinions extracted are in terms of sentiments, subjectivity of text and attitude. Opinion mining is research field of mining textual data from the web. There is a vast increase of textual data in the web. The customers are given an opportunity to write their own opinion on the products they purchase online and use. To categorize these opinions and to find the polarity, opinion mining is used. There are various models, techniques and algorithms proposed for mining these opinions. In this paper, we have examined the latest opinion mining algorithms. These algorithms are evaluated based on their performance. A detailed study has been done which gives an idea of recent algorithms used.


Opinion Mining- Techniques- Algorithms

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