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A Survey on Recommendation System Approaches

Nishant J Shah, Sanjay D Bhanderi


In the current age of information overloading, it is very hard to find out relevant information. Innovations of search engine which helped users to find out relative information. But, the information could not be personalized by these engines. So, Recommendation System introduced for solving for this problem. The main aim of recommendation system is providing suggestions to a user. The suggestions is based on the user’s choices  like what items to buy, what music to listen to, what online news to read, or which is the best movie.

Recommendation system is mainly used for to find out accuracy, diversity; flexibility.Diversity is divided into two parts. Aggregate diversity and individual diversity. Aggregate diversity is the diversity which provides the number of items because of the many of users like it. Individual diversity is the diversity which provide the accurate result based on the user's choice. Recommendation systems are usually divided into three categories: Content based method, collaborative method and hybrid method


Accuracy, Diversity, Recommendation System

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