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Saving Lives by Counting Blinks While Driving

Tarun Dhar Diwan, Gaurav Gulhare


In this paper we have analyzed the behaviour of eye movement for prevention of vehicle’s accidental situation in motor driving. We are analyzing eye blinks in normal and in driving conditions. One of the biggest problems in India and the World are road accidents. Driver’s non alertness is a prime cause for most accidents related to automobiles crashes. Accidents caused in dozed state are more severe, because of very high speeds involved and hence the driver fails to take any protective action just before collision. The state of drowsiness can be very easily detected by watching driver’s eyes. In this paper we are considering blinks of eyes. Blinks may be voluntary or involuntary. Both voluntary and involuntary blinks are taken under consideration. As the vigilance level of driver changes number of blinks also changes. The number of blinks in normal and in driving situations is the basis for judging whether driver is drowsy or not.


Template, Frames, Blinks, Testing, Automatically, Human Computer Interface, Drowsiness.

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