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Implementation of Voice Recognition Technology in Hospitals Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software

B. Sonia, Dr. S. Sridhar


The voice recognition technology in hospitals can be implemented for fast processing of data collection and for generating reports of a patient. A software called Dragon NaturallySpeaking is used to implement, where the process of typing is totally avoided and consumes time with faster in completing tasks. This technology is not popularized still now. This voice recognition serves as voice-activated personal assistant helping clinicians with various tasks related to patient care.

Voice recognition software is recommended in using operating theatres to automatically capture pictures of various parts of a patient’s intestinal track during a colonoscopy. The main objective of using this voice recognition is to eliminate paper throughout the health care workflow and to integrate the speech recognition across multiple campuses. The software which is used provides a high-level of voice recognition which is used in e-prescribing systems, for its computerized physician order entry systems, an accomplishment that in part can be attributed to speech recognition.


Voice Recognition; Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software; Hospitals; E-Prescribing; Eliminating Papers In Documentation; Operating Theatres.

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