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A Review on Biometrics Security Breaches and Remedies

Manvjeet Kaur, Dr. Sanjeev Sofat


Biometrics is the science of establishing the identity of an individual based on the physical, chemical or behavioral attributes of the person. The relevance of biometrics in modern society has been reinforced by the need for large-scale identity management systems whose functionality relies on the accurate determination of an individual’s identity in the context of several different applications. With the increased usage of biometric technology the number and type of threats on biometric security systems are also increasing day by day which gives a new direction to the current research that is how to make a biometric system fully fool proof and trustworthy for a common man. This paper throws light on biometric security modals. It then discusses about the possible attacks at different levels of biometric security system. Along with the attacks possible remedial solutions are also presented. In the last section of the paper multimodal biometric system is also discussed. Except this other biometric security solutions like HUMABIO etc. are also discussed.


Multimodal Biometrics, HUMABIO, FAR, FRR.

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