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Effect of Certain Post Harvest Treatments on Elimination of Phytohaemagglutinins in Sword Bean (Canavalia Gladiata (Jacq DC.))

K.N. Rajnish, K. Janardhanan


Seed samples of Sword bean (Canavalia gladiata)
(Jacq ,DC) were analysed for phytohaemagglutinating (lectin)
activity. The lectins of raw seed samples exhibited lectin activity
without any specificity against human “A”, “B”, and “O”
erythrocytes. Among the different post harvest treatments almostcomplete reduction in phytohaemagglutinating activity was recordedwhen the seed samples were subject to autoclaving followed by dry heat treatment (roasting). Nonetheless, soaking in salt (NaCl) solution was found to be ineffective in reducing lectin activity.


Sword Bean, Phytohaemagglutinins, Soaking, Cooking, Autoclaving, Dry Heating (Roasting

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