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A Survey on Prediction in Health Database

J. Sumitha


Health can be effected by various environmental factors such as pollution, our behavioral problems such as smoking, drinking, and our food products such as taking fast foods and by taking medicines for our health such as pills for cough, head ach, pain killers and so on which in turns gives adverse effects to our body. In this paper, health and its affecting factors are predicted using Bayesian networks are analyzed. The study in this paper about the health database and its affecting factors which may provide awareness about the health affecting factors in future. Various classification techniques along with the prediction are used to classify the health problems and it’s affecting factors in this paper. This paper is also surveyed recently used methods to determine health and its effecting factors.


Bayesian Network, C4.5, CART, Drug Safety, Health, Induction Learning Algorithm, and Renal Transplantation Center

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