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The Way to Optimize On-Time Delivery (OTD) in Logistics - Firms in Bahrain

Dr. Ali Kamali


The On Time Delivery (OTD) is defined as ready to dispatch items  from the warehouse to customers as per the agreed delivery. The delivery is one of the key elements that could enable companies to sustain their business and attract customers' trust, which ultimately plays the important role to gain profits. One of the measurement tool that is used to assess on-time delivery is KPI, which are the key performance indicators measuring whether an order is ready to be shipped before or on the due date.

According to many literatures, there are still some issues related to measuring the delivery performance if there is a triadic relationship with other stakeholders within the supply chain, and companies in Bahrain suffer from this issue as well according to my experience in the field throughout the past 20 years. The underlying problem of the research, according to the author's point of view, emerges from lack of  conceptual frameworks for dealing with development of theory on the supply chain.

In this paper the author discusses strategies to improve the OTD process in order to gain competitive advantage against the competitors for companies in Bahrain  since business is growing and a range of challenges are occurring, and hence such the  issues could prevent them to continue to grow and thrive. The paper consists of an analysis the efficient methods that companies in Bahrain can follow to improve OTD based on the latest literature and concepts that recently being merged and implemented by some international companies to achieve their goals.

This research uses qualitative methods to analyze the current state of the OTD process and what strategies can be used to improve the process, using  both the primary and secondary source methods through interviews and reviewing the reliable studies conducted on this aspect. The findings from the analysis were used to suggest the best methods that companies can use to improve the OTD process for their business.


On-Time Delivery, Supply Chain, KPIs, Delivery Outsourcing Techniques, Delivery Management.

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