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Automated Psychology Assessment of Personality Traits

Dr. A. S. Aravind, Dr. H. N. Suma, P. Aparna, H. C. Bindumathi, Pavana Shetty, S. Rashmi


Psychology is defined as a discipline involving the scientific study of human mental function and behaviour. Personality psychology looks at the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviour that make a person unique. The Personality Factor Questionnaire is a multiple-choice personality questionnaire which was scientifically developed over several decades of research. The test is useful in predicting a wide variety of behaviours, such as creativity, academic success, cognitive style, empathy and interpersonal skills, leadership potential, conscientiousness, self-esteem, frustration tolerance, coping patterns, marital compatibility, and job performance. Automated psychology assessment through personality traits is a technique of automating the manual testing process currently in use.This requires a formalized “manual testing process", to currently exist in the company or organization. Automation is the use of strategies, tools and artefacts that augment or reduce the need of manual or human involvement or interaction in unskilled, repetitive or redundant tasks.


Psychology, Personality traits, Personality Factor, Automated Psychology assessment

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