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A Survey on Authorship Attribution Issues of Arabic Text

Abeer H. El Bakly, Nagy Ramadan Darwish, Hesham A. Hefny


Authorship attribution is a hot research domain which includes many issues such as discovering whether a specific text possesses to a specific author or not, solving the problem of authorship attribution claim between authors of one disputed work, discrimination between two or more stylometric of authors, detecting the most probable author for an unknown text and studying the difference between Stylometric of authors according to gender or political view or religion or education or job or motivation... and so on. Many attempts have been started to solve these problems using statistical methods such as Naı¨ve Bayes and Bayesian. Recently, other efforts have been done in this domain by utilizing artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning and natural language processing... and so on. This paper presents a literature review of the utilization of machine learning techniques in authorship attribution. Besides, it covers the main approaches to solve different recent issues in Arabic authorship attribution.


Arabic Text, Artificial Intelligence, Authorship Attribution, Machine Learning, Stylometric

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