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Noun Phrase Detection and its Challenges in Large-Scale Natural Language Data Processing

Lakhan Bhaskar Kadel, Deepak Kumar Soni, Ravinder Yadav


Noun phrases of a text document normally are the main information holders. Therefore, the detection of these elements is very important in many applications which are related to information retrieval and extraction, such as collecting appropriate documents by search engines according to the query of a user and also useful in many significant tasks of the natural language processing (NLP) like parsing, word sense disambiguation, machine translation, text summarization, etc. Different approaches have been proposed for Noun phrase detection. This paper presents a detailed review covering those different approaches for noun phrase detection and comparisons are shown between those approaches in terms of accuracy and other parameters. The paper also presents challenges of large-scale natural language data processing and suggests a method that is suitable for very large corpora in today’s big data era.


Big Data, Chunking, Hadoop, MapReduce, NLP, Noun Phrase Detection.

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