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Improving Broadcasting Efficiency in MANET by Intelligent Flooding Algorithm

Madala V. Satyanarayana, R. Lakshmi Tulasi


Broadcasting is a common operation in a network to resolve many issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) in particular due to host mobility. Such operations are expected more  frequently, eg., such as finding a route to particular host, and sending alert signals etc. In this paper, we mainly consider the three factors -bandwidth utilization, computational and space complexity, and power utilization in the network as low as possible. We consider sender-based broad casting algorithms, specified by liu et al and Mojid Khabbazian. In both sender-based broad-casting algorithms, they maintained list of forwarding nodes attached in the messageand selection of subset of neighbors. In each host it improves space and computational complexity, and due to the mobility in the network to maintain the neighbors list in each node is very difficulty. To overcome these factors we proposed a simple and efficient algorithm, Intelligent Flooding Algorithm (IFA) which efficiently utilizes bandwidth as low as possible and reduces space and computational complexity by reducing the number of broadcasting host, and redundant rebroadcast in the network. Using simulation, we confirm these results and show that the number of broadcasts in our proposed IFA can be even less than one of the best known approximations for the minimum number of required broadcasts.


Wireless Networks, Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Flooding, Broadcasting

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