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Design Approach of Car Parking Guidance System

D. Nagadevi, Dr.K. Ashok Babu


Finding an empty car parking lot is always the problem for car drivers in large parking areas in places like mega shopping malls and stadiums during peak periods. A lot of time and energy are wasted to find an available car parking lot while entered into a car park space. In this system images are captured by a surveillance camera were processed to identify the occupancies of the parking lots. This occupancy information is further processed by a central control unit and distributed to display panels located at strategic locations at the parking areas. This paper aims toward the implementation of a car parking guidance system with minimum cost because image processing technique is used rather than sensor-based technique. As surveillance cameras are readily available in most car parks, this technique is much cost effective than installing sensor on each parking lot.


Car Parking Lots, Edge Detection, Image Processing, Image Acquisition, Object Detection.

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