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Hexapod for Surveilling in Disaster Situations and Un-Even Terrain Navigation

Devendra A. Itole, Bhushan Patil, Priyanka Bhat, Shweta Sawant


Nowadays, in natural disasters rescue missions are on top priority. So to get visuals from remote location like under debris or manhole tube lines, wireless robots are being used but wheeled robots have one major disadvantage. Wheeled robots can’t travel on uneven surface. To overcome this disadvantage legged robots are used. In our project, we have selected hexapod system. Hexapod is a six legged walking robot which walks on any kind of terrain. Hexapod is equipped with wireless image sensor for real time transmission of video. User has authority to control hexapod over wireless communication. Tripod gait mechanism is used for movement of hexapod.


Hexapod, Six Legged Robots, Tripod Gait, Wave Gait, Disaster Rescue.

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Hexapod Robot Gait, Oricom Technologies,



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