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A Survey: Advance Human-Machine Interface

S. Parkavi


Most present design of Human Machine Interface for Research Reactor Instrumentation and Control System is modular-based, comprise of several cabinets such as Reactor Protection System, Control Console, Information Console as well as Communication Console. The safety, engineering and human factor will be concerned for the design. Redundancy and separation of signal and power supply are the main factor for safety consideration. The design of Operator Interface absolutely takes consideration of human and environment factor for safety consideration of human and environmental factors. Physical parameters, experiences, trainability and long established habit patterns are very important for user interface, instead of the Aesthetic and Operator Interface Geometry. Physical design for New Instrumentation and Control System of RTP are proposed base on the state of the art Human Machine Interface design. This paper identifies active research topics concerning human machine interfaces for intelligent machine systems.


Human Machine Interface (HMI), Human and Environmental Factors, Aesthetic and Operator Interface Geometry Machine Systems.

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