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Renewable Energy Source Piezo Electric Harvesters in Car Tyres

S. Sriram, A. Dineshkumar, S R. Balaji


The main aim of this paper is to harvest energy that could power a car without causing any kind of pollution in an economical way. We are embedding the piezoelectric crystals in the tyres of cars and heavy vehicles which on application of force (i.e. due to the pressure applied) produces electricity. When the wheel of the vehicle rotates, the mechanical stress exerted by the vehicle on the crystal is converted in to electrical energy using the piezoelectric crystals can be coupled with circuits that could enable storage of electricity in batteries. Piezoelectric crystals are enabled to produce electricity due to the piezoelectric effect in the vehicles during the course of journey. Using this method electricity for different hybrid cars and energy efficient means of transport can be created.


No Pollution, Piezo Electric Crystals, Car Tyres, Mechanical Pressure, Electricity.

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